British bulldog for sale 2 years old - Bradford, West Yorkshire

Sammii potter
West Yorkshire BD11 1AD
Kennel Club
Health Checked

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1) Puppies or dogs are not located where they are listed.
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3) Anything to do with Africa especially Nigeria and Cameroon.
4) Anything that seems to be too good to be true!

Fawn cryptic merle.
Minnie is the best dog ever so loving and friendly. Rehousing due to my work commitments shes going to be alone alot more and I don't think it's fair on her. She's crate trained but also good out of the crate over night. She does prefer to sleep in the crate though,house trained shes amazing with children
And I have 4 children. She's my 2 year old best friend so gentle with them all. Prefer her to go to a family as she's used to one. Gets on great with other dogs and loves to be outside in the sunshine. She comes with her crate bedding food and lots of toys. We've had her since she left her mum and dad. Will only let her go to the right person/family. Up to date with vaccinations micro chipped not neutered. Lots more pictures can be provided from her been a baby but only to the genuine buyers. No time wasters please she deserves a loving home like she's always had. I have her paperwork too certified pedigree