American bulldog pups - Sheffield, Derbyshire

Jolie johnson
Derbyshire S20 8LE
Health Checked

Be Aware of Scams and report them using the "report scam button above! Typical signs of a scam:

1) Puppies or dogs are not located where they are listed.
2) You are asked to wire money or send a money order.
3) Anything to do with Africa especially Nigeria and Cameroon.
4) Anything that seems to be too good to be true!

12 American bulldog pups for sale 6weeks old
8 boys 4 girls
All will be chipped on Saturday and will have had there first injection before they leave
They will all be worked and flead
Can send more photos if need and mum and dad are available to be seen in photo and in person as they are our own personal dogs
As it won’t let me upload all the photos of interested I can forward you more