Xl bully male pup looking for forever home - WV14 9EW, West Midlands

WV14 9EW
West Midlands WV14 9EW

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Cl bully pup last one out litter of 10 looking for forever home hes growing with children and cats feeding well non dependant on mom anymore hes gorgus lityke tri colour boy hes small out litter but im sure will grow to be big boy like his mommy snd daddy just needs forever home hes ready leave in week or so he just needs his forever family i have mom and dad to be seen mom is tri coulour dad is sandy volour both brill temprement good eith kids and other oets im not a breeder this was not planned pregnancy but ive got the mom booked in to be spayed the 3rd july so i would like pups gone by then so she can recover quietly