Fetch Groom Ltd - Swindon, Wiltshire

Aggy Cooper
Fetch Groom Ltd
9 John Ruskin Road
Wiltshire SN25 2PS
Services Provided:
Pet Taxi


Rating: not reviewed

Not Yet Reviewed

About Us

Our goal is to provide expert styling and care for your furry friend while making the experience convenient and easy for you, just the way we want it.


It is a little embarrassing to admit that there was a time when we missed the regular brushing of our little girl's coat and found it challenging to even do a simple bath. It meant that Ellie didn't look as pretty as she should and her coat was messy, not getting the care it should.

?Fetch Groom was born from a desire to find a groomer for Ellie our Bichon Poodle that would offer a high quality groom, demonstrate care for her and be able to fit the service around a busy lifestyle.


Impossible! We couldn't find a groomer with the level of service and flexibility we needed. In the end, we decided that we could do a better job and offer the serviced to people with similar circumstances to us.


After a huge amount of research, training, practical experience, investment and finally qualifications & certificates; Fetch Groom opened it's doors.

English and Polish speaking.

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