GLR Dog Training - Strathaven, Lanarkshire

Gillian Reid
GLR Dog Training
BurnBrae Farm Cottage
Lanarkshire ML10 6PR
Services Provided:


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Postive reward based training
IMDT Accredited Instructor
Canine Hoopers Accredited Instructor
Puppy Classes
Fun Agility

About Me:
I gained my IMDT Accrediated Trainer qualification after a 2 day assessment, one of the many great things about the IMDT is that they have a continual assessment programme and we are reassessed every 2 years to ensure that we as trainers are continuting with our development and keeping current with training techniques. I was carrying out one to one sessions whilst still working full time and in December 2017 I make the big decision to give up my full time job and concentrate 100% on my passion. Best decison ever!!! My learning continues every day and each one to one session I do or class we run I learn something new every time. I have also just become an Accrediated Trainer for Canine Hoopers a great new sport for you and your dogs. Watch this space for the new training barn that we are building, GLR Dog Traning will be offering a range of professional training services designed to provide you with a training plan that fits into the needs of you and your dogs life.

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