Doggy Styles Dog Grooming Parlour - St.Helens, Merseyside

Adele Leigh
Doggy Styles Dog Grooming Parlour
11 Northfield Close, Clock Face
Merseyside WA9 4UF
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A Grooming Experience Your Dog Will Woof You For!

No matter what the breed, grooming is vital for maintaining your pooch’s good health. And we’ve got you covered. Everything about our purpose-built facility in Clock Face, St. Helens, has been designed with comfort in mind. Creating a truly unique & relaxing grooming experience for your beloved doggy. That’s why people from across St Helens & surrounding areas have been coming to us for over 5 years.

For a FREE over-the-phone consultation, or to make an appointment call us today.

07557 444102 | 01744 812461

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