Pocklington Pooches - Pocklington, York, East Yorkshire

Leann Van Hooser
Pocklington Pooches
28 Amos Drive, Wilberforce Manor
Pocklington, York
East Yorkshire YO42 2FH
Services Provided:


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When your dog is out with us, rest assured they will be having a great time.

We collect your dog/s from your home and take them out for an exciting and stimulating walk. We use lots of different types of locations for our walks, country walks,woodland, beaches. The safety and security of your dog is paramount and so all of our walks are chosen with this in mind. Dogs are walked on the lead to begin with and then, with your permission, and when we deem it appropriate and safe to do so, we will let them off.

A favourite toy is also welcome to come along, although we can't vouch for its safe return, especially if they decide to share it with any of their chums! Upon returning home, dogs are provided with fresh water, towel dried and given a low calorie treat. We will also take care of any mess that has been made by your four legged friend, because we know how creative they are!


30 min walk - £7:50

60 min walk - £10:00

Additional dog £0.50p

Cat/kitten/puppy visits- £6:50

*DBS & references available on request!

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