Scruffys dog grooming centre Langport - Langport, Somerset

Scruffys dog grooming centre Langport
picts hill
Somerset TA10 9EZ
Services Provided:
Pet Taxi


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I offer a bespoke dog grooming and dog styling service that takes care of all aspect of your dog’s image and well-being.
At Scruffs of Langport we groom dogs in view of passers-by so you can be sure that your dog will be treated with care and respect. I offer a free consultation, just bring your dog and ask about the best grooming technique and style for him/her.
I offer a grooming pick-up and drop-off .
Upon meeting your pet for the first time I will ask you about their diet, behavior, temperament and any medical issues,
to ensure that the apple of your eye remains as relaxed as possible.

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