Hamsters to Horses - Malmesbury, Wiltshire

Eloise Carpenter
Hamsters to Horses
Bristol Street
Wiltshire SN16 0AY
Services Provided:


Rating: 5 stars

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Local lady with over 30 years experience in caring for a wide variety of animals is able to provide a quality care package suited to your pets individual needs, in the Malmesbury area and surrounding villages.

References available...

Dog Walking - Home Visits - House Sitting

From Hamsters to Horses, Chickens to Alpacas, Dogs of any size, a friendly, all round, experienced pet care service.

SK (10/29/2014)

Caring, Knowledgeable, and Dependable
Rating: 5 stars
Eloise understands animals, knows how to care for them, is trustworthy and dependable, and uses her intelligence and common sense ! I'm very careful with my two dogs. I won't put them in kennels and I won't let just anybody look after them. Watching them get excited when she arrives tells me everything I need to know.

Zipster (10/28/2014)

Not just a dog walker!
Rating: 5 stars
My dog Zippy is my 'baby', and I simply wouldn't trust anyone else to look after him. I only have to mention Eloise's name and he gets really excited. When he is with Eloise I know he is safe and happy. We are very lucky to know her. If you need someone to care for your animals, not just look after them, then I cannot recommend Eloise highly enough.

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