Leader of the Pack - Crawley, West Sussex

Clair Geal
Leader of the Pack
Salvington Road
West Sussex RH11 8UR
Services Provided:
Micro Chipping


Rating: 4 stars

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Welcome to Leader of the Pack in Crawley. We provide a wide range of pet services to include Dog Walking, Micro-chipping, Day care, Home visits, Pet Sitting and Newly added dog grooming. Over a period of 20 years I have gained a wealth of experience in providing Pet Services. I am fully insured and have CRB checks in place along with testimonials. I also have a certificate of competence in Micro Chipping provided by "Peddy Mark Ltd".

Anonymous14194 (12/20/2013)

Very reliable and good quality service
Rating: 4 stars
I am quite happy with the service provided by Leader of the Pack in Crawley and will certainly recommend to others.

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