Diva Pet Supplies & Dog Grooming - Doncaster, South Yorkshire

Diva Pet Supplies & Dog Grooming
Unit 7, Plantation Road, Woodfield Plantation
South Yorkshire DN4 8RT
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New Modern shop based at Woodfield Plantation ( near The Maple Tree )Doncaster offering Dog grooming appointments 7 days a week, collection & drop off service available, no dog too big or too small too hairy or too bald. Our wash & go is popular with dogs just needing a bath & freshen up prices starting from £12.50 or full clip & style from £20.00 to your choice on all breeds. Experienced groomers / fully insured with animal care & welfare being our priority. We also sell all natural Food / raw hide/ stag bars / beds/leads & collars etc & stock small animal foods & bedding. Call in with your dog for a free consultation & price list.

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