Pooches & Paws - Rotherham, Sheffield, South Yorkshire

Pooches & Paws
Grosvenor Road
Rotherham, Sheffield
South Yorkshire S65 1QP
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Providing professional doggy care solutions and services to suit your every need. Services we offer at the moment; - Dog sitting (prices vary) - Dog walking (£5 per dog per 1 hour walk) - Poopa scoop services (£15 per week) Coming soon; - Doggy daycare ( prices vary) - bathing and general grooming services ( just a bath? £5 per dog, general grooming session including a bath, nails clipped, trim, teeth brushed etc. £10 small dog, £15 large dog. If you are interested in any of the services we provide, want more information or would like to make a booking, please call 07878624706 Thanks.

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