Pooches Paws - Peacehaven, East Sussex

Pooches Paws
Swannee Close
East Sussex BN10 8EZ
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a fully insured and police checked mobile dog grooming and pet care company. We can provide anything from small animal care, day visits, pet taxing, dog walking, dog and puppy training and even pet sitting for as little as one night or for a long holiday period. Our main service is mobile dog grooming provided by Charlotte a trained groomer with qualifications in advanced pet care and advanced canine first aid along with her 7 years experience in the trade. This service is brought to you and is provided in the comfort of your own home. All we ask from our customers is a little space in a quiet area to set up our table and access to your bath. Ideal for anyone who wants a more personal service. If you would like to know more about any of our services including prices, please feel free to look around the site. For any further questions or quotes please contact us by phone or email. New service added! Training and behaviour classes for all ages of dogs, both 1-2-1 and group sessions starting every 9 weeks. Once every 8 weeks we also hold FREE puppy socialisation classes for all puppies up to 1 year of age.

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