Groomingtails Dog Parlour - Cullybackey, Ballymena

Hazel Elliott
Groomingtails Dog Parlour
12 Oaklands
Ballymena BT42 1DU
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Groomingtails Dog Parlour is owned and operated by Hazel Elliott who is qualified to City & Guilds Level 3 and is a fully insured dog groomer. Groomingtails Dog Parlour offers a complete range of professional grooming services for all breeds and ages of dogs in a safe and welcoming environment, we aim to offer a professional dog grooming service with each dog being treated as an individual. The health, safety and wellbeing of your dog is our main priority. Services; Consultation & Health Check Clipping Brushing & Grooming Anti-Shedding Treatment Ear cleaning & plucking Nail clipping Bath - if you have special shampoo for your dog we can incorporate this into their groom Blow drying & styling Further scissor styling & finishing Cologne

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