Pooch Palace - Patley Bridge, Harrogate, North Yorkshire

Bryan Beeston
Pooch Palace
Patley Bridge
Patley Bridge, Harrogate
North Yorkshire HG3 5QQ
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Pooch Palace is fully insured and has a 24-hr registered Vet on call, we even have isolation kennels if dogs are unwell during there stay. giving you trust that Pooch Palace can provide complete dog care required during his or her stay at our home in Pateley Bridge. Our new 8 metre square kennels were built in January this year. All our kennels are equipped the tiled walls, and tiled under floor, digitally controlled heating. All are germ free and hygienically cleaned twice daily using specialist kennel guard detergents to prevent flees and other germs. There is also an enclosed half an acre secure paddock, for dogs to socialise and exercise at there leisure. The newly built boarding kennels have been designed to the highest specifications, providing spacious, comfrotable and climate crontrolled accomodation. Here at Pooch Palce we aim to make sure your pet is as comfortable as possible during their stay, that's why we now offer 'Home from Home' boarding. Home from Home boarding is for those who don't like the idea of putting their pet into kennels. Here your pet will enjoy all the comforts of home by actually living with us, in our own home. Home boarding can be regarded as a kind and affordable alternative to kennels. Please contact us for more information about this or any of the services we offer.

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