Snowallen Pet Services - Cardiff

Jessica Allen
Snowallen Pet Services
Hirst Crescent
Services Provided:
Micro Chipping
Pet Taxi


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Kevin & Jessica Allen are qualified, certified and insured Microchip Implanters and offer a friendly, affordable chipping service for pets and companion animals. If you have a dog, cat, ferret, guinea pig or rabbit and would like to get them microchipped then please contact us for further information.

Our fee includes the microchip implant and registration for life with Petlog, all in the comfort of your pet’s home.We offer discount to breeders, OAPs and for 2 or more animals microchipped at the same time.

Snowallen Pet Services offer the following services to pet owners and Breeders;
Pet Microchipping
Ultrasound Pregnancy Diagnosis
UK/European Pet Transportation

Please contact us for further details and to discuss your requirements

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