Puppy Playgroup - Bristol, Avon

Puppy Playgroup
Avon BS16 9EL
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Dog Boarding - fully insured - Puppy play group is insured and NARD registered with a Full South Gloucestershire council licence and have been in the pet care business for over six years and offers the highest quality service. We cater to all of your dog's needs and will follow your instructions so when your dog(s) returns to you they will be content.The comany is a family run business and our aim is to keep your dogs happy and well. We treat them as our own and give them all the love and attention they need. We have experience with a vast variety of breeds and all are welcome. The services offered are on an individual and group basis depending on your dog. If you don't like the idea of kennels and want home from home care and attention. Why not try boarding your dog at my house. Whenever possible i stay with the boarding dog as much as possible as i don't like leaving my furry friends for long. I do my best to take instructions from the owners and do what they wish with regards to their dogs usual routine. The fee is from £15 a night and i do ask for a deposit for long holidays. Services also available are Home Boarding If you would prefer to keep your dog in its own surroundings i can visit your dog at its own home. I stay overnight - get there between 8 and 9 pm and stay until 8 - 9am. I can also do visits during the day to feed/ let out and fuss your dogs, visits can be as long as you like. they have to be every 4 - 5 hours as i will not leave a dog longer than this Puppy socialisation Puppies get the chance to socialise with my dog leo and explore the world around them making them more grounded later in life.you are more than welcome to come along to these sessions. As i have over 6 years experience with all different breeds i can help with any issues you may have Also training and behavior work by appointment

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