Perfect Poochies - Stoke On Trent, Staffordshire

Michelle Barnett
Perfect Poochies
67 Liverpool Road, Kidsgrove
Stoke On Trent
Staffordshire ST7 1EA
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Perfect Poochies Grooming Salon is quite unique as we operate on a very individual basis. There are 3 members of staff, and this means that we each work on a 'One-on-One' basis with each dog so that they are never left hanging around in a cage all day! Usually no longer than 2-3 hours. A full service is offered, this includes: Pre-work - A small health check, groomed through. The body is then clipped (to your style or breed standard), nails/feet and groin are trimmed, ears are cleaned and then they move into the bathing area. All shampoos are hypo-allergenic which are kind to even the most sensitive skin Your dog with then be bathed with our latest state of the art hydro-bath which not only washes out deep down dirt and dead hair, but massages the skin at the same time relaxing all the joints, conditioned then rinsed. A top of the range blaster dryer is then used to once again massage the skin and remove excess water. Your pet is then dried using the top of the range dryer which is kind to your pet Once he/she is completely dry they will receive a second clip. Your pets coat is then blended to breed standard (or your chosen style) followed by a final scissor cut and style. A hypo-allergenic scented spray is then applied making the finishing touch just that little bit more special helping them stay fresher for longer. Just need a bath and blow dry - that's no problem…! Hand stripping is not undertaken at Perfect Poochies because we believe that unless you professionally breed/show your dog, then a domestic cut is far kinder and less traumatic for the dog. Stripping takes many hours, requires a very patient dog…! and due to the time and labour involved is very expensive! We are also qualified in microchipping!!

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