Dogtopia Pet Services - Thurrock, Essex

Dogtopia Pet Services
East Street
Essex RM20 4XJ
Services Provided:
Pet Taxi


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Est 2005 Dogtopia is the 1st choice for pet services in Thurrock and Basildon. We offer a range of services to suit all of your needs. Dog walking, either daily or as an occasional treat for your dog. Home Boarding, we do not have kennels, all dogs stay with us in our home. Pet feeding, if you're going away for the night, weekend or three weeks!!, we can come and look after your pets, plants and post!! Other services....Microchipping, puppy/adult socialisation, groomer/vet trips, pet sitting PLUS we have an extensive range of pet products in our online store. Police Checked, Insured and Council Licenced.ALL staff are now Animal First Aid trained & certified. Please email or call for more information. In the meantime look at our website for further details.

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