Waggy Tails Groomers - Cardiff

Amy Jones
Waggy Tails Groomers
CF23 5QJ
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Waggy Tails is a mobile grooming service based in Cardiff, South Wales. Waggy Tails specialises and caters for the bathing and clipping needs of small to medium sized dogs in the local area in their own home. Please note Waggy Tails is not a mobile dog wash nor operates from a van. Waggy Tails is run by a friendly, qualified and fully insured groomer. Dogs are handled carefully and spoken to in calm soothing tones. Dogs are brushed, bathed and if required clipped in the comfort of their own home. Equipment and towels are brought to the home and all that is asked of clients is a space for the table to be setup close to a power socket and for use of their sink/shower/bath to bathe their dog. Most dogs on Waggy Tails’ books are pets and not show dogs. Not all pet owners wish their dogs to receive their breed standard cut so grooming is customised to their needs, for example they may wish for the skirt and furnishings to be removed. The comfort of the dog and clients wishes are the most important part of the grooming process. Evening and Weekend Appointments Only. Reasonable Rates Available.

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