Smarties Pet Services - Burgess Hill, West Sussex

Katia Hannah
Smarties Pet Services
247 Chanctonbury Road
Burgess Hill
West Sussex RH15 9HQ
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Smarties Pet Services is based in Burgess Hill West Sussex. Offering flexible dog walking and pet care to suit every need. With life being so busy it can be challenging to always fit time in during the day for your furry family member. Smarties Pet Services can help ensure your dog has a fun filled walk or home visit and remains happy and content during the day. I have many years of experience caring for dogs and other small animals and treat every pet as if they were my own. I recognise that every animal is different and has their own personality so I offer a free meet and greet and solo walk with your dog so we can have time to get to know each other.
I am Canine first aid trained, fully insured with Protectivity and have a current DBS check

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